Luis Buchinho | FW 2011/12

Reinterpretación del tema náutico en un ambiente sofisticado casual, inspirado en los uniformes navales y prendas de pescador.

La silueta es elaborada en formas rectas y larguiruchas, que acompaña al cuerpo de un modo natural.
El regreso al largo, expreso a través de las faldas mini o largas, pantalones estrechos, con una fuerte predominancia sport.
Reinterpretation of the nautical theme, in a sophisticated atmosphere, slightly inspired by naval uniforms and fisherman’s clothing.

The silhouette is drawn straight and elongated forms which follow body lines in a natural way.
The return of the long length is expressed through midi or long skirts, narrow trousers, with a strong sportswear inspiration.
Comfort is enhanced by the use of coarse mesh and graphic contour suggesting allusive elements to the theme – ropes, braids, stripes, bars.

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